A woman from Calama city (northern Chile) experienced the inhumanity of her citizen fellows when she saw how the drivers from the 32nd taxi-line ignored her just because she was moving about on a wheelchair.
This discriminatory situation was recorded as part of a citizen complaint which was uploaded to the SC Calama website.
Fortunately, the story got a happy ending, because a Policeman (Carabinero), showed up to help her. The cop, stand in the middle of the street, ordered a driver to stop his car to carry the anguished woman.
The situation have woke up the outrage of many facebook’s users , appealing to the double standard of many compatriots and the coming two-days of Teleton, where the country is going to be united on a supportive national campaign in favour of the disable people in Chile.
On his behalf, Soy Calama decided to contact the president of the 32nd taxi-line of Calama, Marco Troncoso, who assured that he went to the house of the affected woman to express his apologies due to the outrageous behavior of his peers.