Las estrías son marcas irregulares en la piel que se producen cuando alguien aumenta de peso, crece, sobrelleva un embarazo o sufre alguna enfermedad.

Aunque no afectan la salud en sí, pueden dañar fuertemente el autoestima de quien las padece, ya que comúnmente son percibidas como “anti-estéticas” y son fuente de “vergüenza”.

Para reivindicar estas huellas y las historias que hay detrás, dos madres crearon una cuenta de Instagram llamada “Love Your Lines” (Ama tus líneas) y que, según ellas mismas describen, fue hecha “con la esperanza de hacer una diferencia en el mundo respecto a la imagen del cuerpo femenino”.

El espacio presenta imágenes en blanco y negro, enviadas por las usuarias, y una breve leyenda que explica cómo cada mujer obtuvo sus marcas, que van desde embarazos hasta graves enfermedades, consignó la revista femenina Cosmopolitan.

Las autoras, que no revelaron su identidad, llaman a compartir “una parte de tu cuerpo que crees que va a inspirar a otros a sentirse bien consigo mismos”.


"A mother of three who gained 50+ lbs with each pregnancy. I have successfully lost 55lbs. The weight is gone but the marks remain. This was my children's first home, this is where my children grew before I could hold them. I try to see the beauty in that." submission from @iamgrissom

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"I'm starting to love my lines. I've never been terribly ashamed of them. Heck, they've been with me since I became a woman with my shapely hips. Today, I see them as all the paths that led me to this day. All the decisions I've made and fun along the way. I have paths on my knees from sprouting tall, hips from loving life & belly from baby growing. I'm sad when I hear that women cry when they get their first stretch marks during pregnancy. Girl, it's just your permanent reminder of that too short time when your body was a sanctuary for a most wonderful gift. (Also, science yo! Stretch marks ARE not from a lack of using some fancy schmancy lotion!!!!)" submission from @dawnacrawford

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"I've had stretch marks on my boobs for years now because of a growth spurt I had when I was younger. Because they go pretty high, I always wore something to try and cover them because I was ashamed. Today was the first day I actively wore a dress where my stretch marks were out for the world to see. It was terrifying but I'm so glad I did it. I'm a senior in high school and I'm just now coming to terms with the fact that stretch marks are normal and it's OKAY. It was so empowering and I hope I have the courage to do it again."

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"I am still beyond grateful to have housed 4 (2 single births, 1 twin birth) …amazing Angels in my Temple. The marks pictured here didn't come until after my twin boys though. Still in all, no shame in my game, they're a reminder everyday of how Blessed I am. To be so petite(110 lbs) & being able to have the strength to birth 2 twins full term, naturally, at 5lbs 11oz, & 5lbs 16oz is only Gods work. Encouraging all women everywhere to show YOUR MARKS, only a reminder of how great, amazing , & Godly the woman's body is! (I also have some on my buttocks , that I've had since childhood, so show those marks ladies!)" submission from

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"I was adopted from birth. I am now 26 with a two year old. These stretch marks are from the only blood relative I have, my son.  These lines signify the 42 weeks he spent inside my body, preparing himself for our first eye to eye meeting of mother and son. These lines signify how my body held you until my arms could , and for that I will always find something beautiful in it."

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This submission made us smile. It came along with this: "I acquired these at the ripe age of 13, first menses, 84lbs (super slim). No children. Just life. It took me forever to get used to my stretch marks when no one else did. This rasta man from back home (Virgin Islands) told me that lines on a woman's body reminded him of filigree gold and it was a testament to the changes a woman's body had been through. How could I not love my body after that? So here's to me embracing my small filigree bootay." We #loveyourlines!

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"25, 130 lbs, no kids. I've had my lines since middle school. I used to be embarrassed and hide them, tried cocoa butter and fade creams. I've learned to fully embrace it. Now I can walk down the beach, no cover up..they're forever a part of me and my lines are beautiful." Another amazing #loveyourlines submission.

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