On Sunday it was announced the approval of public resources to the production of a documental based on the second term of Bachelet’s administration. And from then on, the opposition has not stop to criticize.

Consequently, it is expected that parliamentarians from RN and UDI will request to the Comptrollership, the banning of the audiovisual production.

According to the informations, the filmmaker Tatiana Gaviola, will be in charge of the documentary, which has been titled as: ” audiovisual memory which testifies about the presidential management”. As well as it was informed that the economic resources for its development, were approved by the administration director of La Moneda, Cristián Riquelme, who has been target of questionings due to the Caval case.

Felipe Ward (UDI), pointed out to La Tercera, that with this decision, is apparent that Riquelme will remain in his charge, expressing that ” he was almost fired and makes a movie to his boss”.

On his behalf, the UDI has shown that their objections point to the funds (40 million pesos), because were approved through a direct contract.

That is why the RN deputy, Nicolás Monckeberg, assured they will request to the Comptrollership, the audit of this expense, adding that “ the supposed reasons to assign the resources without any tender, are insufficient and ilegal”.