Unos influencers alemanes ha sido foco de burlas y críticas en los últimos días debido a una insólita petición. Ambos iniciaron una campaña de recolección de fondos para que sus seguidores les financien unas vacaciones por África. ¿El motivo? Para ambos trabajar “no es una opción”.

Catalin Onc y Elena Engelhardt son una pareja alemana que se dedican a publicar imágenes misteriosas en su cuenta de Instagram llamada Another_Beautiful_Day. Allí hacen alarde de viajes que han realizado y la gran cantidad de tatuajes que poseen en el cuerpo.

No obstante, una publicación provocó que les llovieran las críticas en los últimos días. En ella, ambos pedían donativos para iniciar un viaje por África. El monto a reunir son 10 mil euros (7.781.989 de pesos chilenos).

“Necesitamos fondos ahora para la preparación, así como a lo largo de nuestro viaje”, explicaron.

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We could write a long text about mental health or global warming. We could tell you about following your dreams, or how important stepping out of your comfort zone is. We could tell you how beautiful traveling is, and it’s benefits, or the fact that most news don’t match reality. But we’re going to show you!  Less talking more action. Starting on the 20th of July in the middle of Germany, on a tandem, me and Eli  will cycle towards Africa, and hopefully beyond. We want to take you all on this huge adventure. A celebration of life, as we ride freely across mountains, by the sea and through metropolitans. We will show the beauty of this planet and it’s inhabitants, but also the ugliness. But we can not do this on our own. We need you! The funds we raise will go towards the bike and gear, food and accommodation (when needed), internet and SIM cards in every country to keep you up to date, insurance, emergencies. We need funds now for preparation as well as throughout our trip. Every dollar, every message, every couch or garden for our tent, any help you can offer will help us go further.  We hope you all enjoy and learn with us. TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE another beautiful day with love Cat and Eli Link in bio Or paypal

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Aunque, lo que más generó rechazo entre sus seguidores fueron los motivos que expusieron. Entre ellos indicaron que les era imposible trabajar debido a que debían mantener un buen desempeño como influencers.

Fue así como su cuenta se llenó de críticas. Entre las más suaves se leyeron cosas como “descarados”, “ladrones”, “ridículos”, “patéticos” y “flojos”.

“Algunos simplemente nos dicen que tengamos trabajo como todos los demás y que dejemos de mendigar. Pero cuando tienes el impacto que tenemos nosotros en la vida de los demás, tener un trabajo no es una opción”, expresaron.

A lo que agregaron que: “Podríamos ser modelos y ganar dinero rápido, pero no queremos hacer publicidad del consumismo. Un trabajo normal en este punto sería perjudicial”.

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WHY AM I NOT NORMAL?? I've been asked why I don't live a 'normal' life. This I can not tell you. Maybe the fact that my family moved country when I was 11, without being able to speak the language. Maybe it's because of the back surgeries I had at a young age, or because I got a lot of attention when I played football and then looked for it elsewhere when football wasn't my life anymore. Or because I dropped out of school. Maybe it's because I love to feel alive and don't like to be held back by anyone or anything. Maybe it's because I travel and see different perspectives, or because I made countless mistakes which I learnt from. Maybe it's because I choose to take risks and try not to let fear stop me. Maybe it's because I'm not afraid of dying. It's all of these combined plus much more. We all live differently and make different choices. We are free to live and express ourselves however we want as long as we aren't harming anyone. We must learn to accept and understand each other in order to live in peace. Me and my father talked for a long time today, we laughed a lot, we said what we had to say and are moving forward. When you look like me and live the way I do it's not easy for some to understand. Normal for most, may not be normal for others. normal adjective conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.

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Otra expresión que generó rabia entre los demás usuarios rezaba que sus anteriores viajes eran costeados, en parte, por la madre de Catalin Onc, a quien enviaron un saludo bastante particular y que fue interpretado por muchos como una burla.

“Mi madre nos ayuda con el dinero que saca de dos trabajos y no tiene mucho para ella. No le pedimos dinero a ella, pero le encanta ayudar. Mamá, quiero que sepas que no solo nosotros, sino cientos de personas se benefician de tu ayuda”, dijeron en otra publicación.

Ambos han perseverado en su idea de pedir regalado el dinero, aunque el resultado hasta la fecha no es nada alentador, ya que apenas han juntado 312 euros (242.642 pesos).

En este sentido, el donativo más oneroso fue realizado por Roger Bright, quien les regaló 120 euros (poco más de 93 mil pesos chilenos).

La idea de los dos es partir el próximo 20 de julio, por tandem (bicicleta de dos o mas asientos), y cubrir el trayecto entre Alemania y Sudáfrica.

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Wow you guys can't imagine how excited I am for life..and our future. Sometimes it feels like butterflies in my stomach, thinking about what could happen. In the last few years, so many unexpected and amazing things happened which were never planned. Cat and I don't really plan our future, we're talking a lot about what we'd love to do but we kind of take it how it comes, always flexible, free and ready to take the opportunity when the right one appears. Soon I'll be going to Nepal but Cat's visa is expiring not long after so we'll probably be going back to Germany. What's going to happen over there, no idea.. not sure how long we'll stay, what we'll do and where we'll go next. Only thing I know is that we'll do it together. Being apart from each other for most of the time in the past 7 months was good for our relationship and us as individuals but a new chapter is about to start and I can't wait to find our where life will take us Photo // collaboration with beautiful villa @villashaktitawa and @studiosolveig + @sallytm

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