Evangeline Lilly es una de las actrices que se preocupa enormemente de cuidar su figura, especialmente para sus papeles.

Así queda en evidencia al revisar sus redes sociales, en las que ha compartido algunas imágenes de su preparación para su rol en Ant-Man and The Wasp, cinta que se estrenó este jueves.

A sus 38 años la intérprete canadiense se mantiene sumamente saludable y atlética, entrenando arduamente para conseguir el físico que requería la producción.

De hecho, una de sus más recientes publicaciones en Instagram se ha viralizado entre sus seguidores debido a su impactante abdomen.

“Fue siempre divertido prepararme en el hangar de acrobacias para ser la Avispa. Espero que disfruten la película tanto como yo disfruté haciéndola”, escribió la actriz.

Rápidamente la fotografía se masificó en la red social, sumando cerca de 92 mil “me gusta” y cientos de comentarios.

Dirigida por Peyton Reed, Ant-Man and The Wasp cuenta en su reparto con Paul Rudd, Michael Peña, Bobby Cannavale, T.I. Harris, David Dastmalchian, Judy Greer, Michael Douglas y Michelle Pfeiffer, además de Evangeline Lilly.

A continuación te dejamos con otras imágenes de la actriz.

#tbt Pre-nursing breasts. God I miss those. 😍.

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#waspworkout 🏃🏼‍♀️ #outtake 😑🤓

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#waspworkout 🏃🏻‍♀️ #muscledefinition #bodyfat . For those of you who have been on this Wasp Workout journey with me, working to build some more muscle, but don't feel like you're seeing the results, let's talk about body fat. The key to muscle definition is body fat. Most rock stars and super models don't spend hours pumping iron, but many have very visible muscle definition, even if they don't have enormous muscles. Whether your muscles are large or small, the key to seeing them them is reducing your body fat (hopefully not so far as rock-stars and super models 😉.) . When I want to drop a quick few pounds to enhance my muscle definition I have a few, go-to habits I incorporate that are predictable and simple, but very effective. 1. REDUCE MY SUGAR/BOOZE INTAKE. I don't go cold-turkey. I like moderation. But I do cut it back significantly, aiming for at least two-days a week with NO sugar other than the little bit of honey I put in my tea in the morning, and the other days with very small amounts of sugar. (Watch out for hidden sugar! Check your ingredients! It's in everything these days!). When I do eat my little square of dark chocolate or that cookie with my tea, I remember to ENJOY IT. If I worry about it and feel guilty while eating it, I'll miss all the pleasure and just crave another. 2. REDUCE MY PORTION SIZES. One of the hardest things to get in the habit of is only eating until you're satisfied and no more. It takes concerted practice because so much of our eating is unconscious. But slowing down and really paying attention so that I don't eat beyond satisfied, and I don't eat when I'm not hungry, is huge for body fat reduction. 3. ONE MEAL A DAY WITH NO STARCH. 4. INCREASE VEGGIE INTAKE. Without drowning them in sauces, oils and dressing. Again, I use those yummy things, but in moderation. (See #waspworkout #veggies.) . I've heard experts say that losing weight is 30% exercise and %70 what you eat. In my life I've seen that to be true. . So if you've been working hard for a while building up your strength, it might be well worth it to work hard for a while to clean up your food intake and watch your results pop out!

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