25 million fishes, equivalent to 39.942 tons of dead biomass, is the final balance of the emergency provoked by the alga bloom, on 45 cultivation centers at Los Lagos region, in southern Chile. This according to José Miguel Burgos, national director of Sernapesca.
As the authority explained, the removal of fishes concluded the last March 24th. The process was supervised by Sernapesca, to assure the fulfillment of biosecurity measures, related to the loading of dead fishes and also its transportation to the diverse points of final location.
Burgos has detailed that 57% of the salmons were processed in factories producers of fish flour, while the remaining 30.3%, was discarded at dumping sites.
Additionally, Sernapesca informed that the Navy allowed 11 deposits into the sea, at the distance of 75 miles from the coast. In summary it were tossed close to 4.659 tons of salmons at the point of unloading.
Burgos explained that ” the control of the situation was only possible thanks to the opportune action of Sernapesca, in coordination with other State institutions, and the collaboration from a large part of the industry, and facing of the established deadlines”.