Una joven vegana inglesa protagonizó un confuso hecho junto a otros activistas en una granja de España. El grupo liberó a 16 conejos desde el lugar, lo que causó la furia de los dueños, quienes los persiguieron por una carretera y les dispararon.

El suceso ocurrió el pasado lunes en la localidad española de Gurb y quien resultó más afectada fue una joven británica llamada Mia, quien terminó con su rostro ensangrentado luego de la persecución de los granjeros.

A través de un relato en Instagram la muchacha, que también es conocida como “Mythical Mia”, indicó que luego de liberar a los animales salió del lugar en auto junto a sus correligionarios. No obstante, los hombres los persiguieron en camionetas y dispararon.

La persecución se dio en medio de una autopista en España. Al parecer, un disparo reventó el parabrisas de su auto y uno de los vidrios golpeó su cara, por lo que quedó ensangrentada.

Posteriormente, los granjeros alcanzaron al grupo en un callejón sin salida y los rodearon con cinco autos. Luego de eso, aseguran desde el grupo, hubo un comportamiento “extremadamente agresivo” de parte de las personas que criaban a los conejos.

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Today we entered a rabbit farm and rescued 16 lives. . The farmer was extremely aggressive and attacked us, strangling activists and smashing their heads with metal poles. The police came and told us to leave peacefully, which we did. After we left the farmers chased us down the motorway at 200km for an hour. We tried to lose them down a side road but they were on our tails. They blocked us into a dead end and surround the car with 5 other farmers’ cars. They were banging on the windows, shouting and threatening us. We called the police who arrived after an hour. They diffused the situation and escorted us to a ‘safe place’. We asked them to escort us home but they refused and said we would be okay. They let us go and 10 minutes later back on the motorway one of their call pulled up alongside us and shot at us. The window exploded in my face and there was a lot of blood from all the glass. We’re currently at the hospital and waiting to go to the police station to report this crime. . The most important thing is that the non-human animals are safe. They are far from that hell hole. I don’t want this to be about me at all, I just want people to know how evil farmers are. If this is how they treat humans, how can we expect them to care for animals? . Despite everything, I am just happy that those 16 lives are free from harm. They make everything worth it.

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Mia aseguró al diario inglés Daily Mail que fueron golpeados con varas de metal e incluso uno de ellos intentó estrangularla debido a lo que había realizado en el campo.

“Lo más importante es que los animales no humanos están a salvo. Están lejos de ese agujero infernal”, indicó la joven.

Luego de unos minutos bastante tensos llegó la policía hasta el lugar y lograron controlar la situación. Los granjeros se devolvieron hasta sus residencias y los jóvenes veganos fueron llevados hasta un centro asistencial

Posteriormente, “Mythical Mia” publicó un video en Instagram donde aparece con su cara ensangrentada, mostrando además que su vientre y piernas también tenían heridas.

La muchacha explicó a sus cerca de 40 mil seguidores que habían entrado hasta el lugar debido a que hasta ellos había llegado una denuncia asegurando que los conejos de aquella granja estaban afectados por un parásito en su oído.

Esta situación, mostró Mia, haría que ellos no pudieran mantener su cabeza erguida.

Cabe señalar que el grupo denunció los hechos a la policía local, por lo que se abrió una investigación contra los granjeros. Sin embargo, también se investigará la intromisión de los veganos en propiedad privada.

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Meet Neytiri. She is one of the 16 lives rescued from the action this weekend. She was spotted immediately by our fantastic vet @shakirafree, spinning round and around in circles in her cage with her head tilted, showing clear signs of E.cuniculi, a parasite in the ear caused by filthy living conditions. . We took her to the vet and they confirmed she is only a couple weeks old. She is now on a course of antibiotics, anti-inflammatories and anti-parasites and depending on the severity of her condition and how long she’s been like that, she will recover in a few days or weeks and her head will return to the upright position again! She has such a character and is so full of energy despite the discomfort she must be in from all the disorientation and muscle strain from her neck. I will post regular updates about her and the others on my stories and if anyone wants to help with the vet bills and sanctuary costs, I have put the fundraiser in my bio! . These 16 are the lucky ones. After actions like this we get to home but for them there is no way out. We only managed to find a home for 16 beforehand, so had to leave thousands of mothers and babies behind. They will be trapped inside those cages for their entire lives, their only escape is when they are shipped off to a slaughterhouse to be murdered for their flesh and fur. Rabbits like these are also abused for animal testing, tortured for a lifetime before eventually getting murdered too. They are also regularly kept as ‘pets’ often in solitary confinement and inappropriate conditions suffering from boredom and multiple other health issues. . What we do the animals need to end immediately. This injustice has gone on far too long. We will continue to enter in these facilities to expose these horrors and liberate the beings trapped inside for as long as it takes. We are not going anywhere. Join us in our fight, be vegan, be active and let’s put an end to this once and for all.

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