La actriz y escritora canadiense Kenzie Brenna, está aprovechando su gran popularidad en las redes sociales para fomentar la aceptación de las mujeres hacia sus cuerpos.

Esta artista de 26 años ha publicado una serie de imágenes donde muestra que su saludable cuerpo -que alimenta bien y ejercita regularmente- no es perfecto.

De hecho, la chica ha revelado en varias fotografías que la celulitis es parte de su anatomía.

Aunque tenía algunas inseguridades al respecto, Brenna sabía que no estaba sola y por eso inició una campaña en redes sociales titulada #celluliteSaturday -algo así como “sábado de celulitis”– donde anima a las mujeres a amar y aceptar sus cuerpos, con piel de naranja e imperfecciones incluidas.

“Me pregunto cuántas personas realmente se preocupan por esto. Puse el hashtag #celluliteSaturday (junto a una foto de su celulitis) y me dije: ‘¿esto podría transformarse en algo?’ Y la respuesta fue tan abrumadoramente buena que ahora puedo decir: ‘Sí, es algo"”, confesó al medio estadounidense Today.

“No puedo decir sinceramente que me encanta esta parte de mi cuerpo, aún, pero estoy cada vez más lejos de odiarla”, escribió Brenna sobre sus muslos.

“Espero que celebres tu cuerpo hoy. Especialmente la parte esa a la que no le has estado diciendo cosas buenas todos estos años. Tu cuerpo te necesita, ámate”, señaló en la misma imagen.

“La celulitis no debería arruinar tu vida o la mía. La celulitis es la pequeña grasita que se acumula en lugares donde tu lindo cuerpo dice ‘necesitas más de esto aquí’, no es una condición médica. Es un problema de cosmética personal que una mujer tiene consigo misma debido a toda la abrumadora presión que nuestra cultura de la belleza ha puesto, diciendo que tu piel debe siempre lucir tersa y joven”, comentó.

Además de mostrar las imperfecciones de sus muslos, Brenna también ha revelado cómo luce su abdomen relajado, su cara con o sin edición, entre otras imágenes donde transparente su cuerpo tal y como es. Con esto ella pretende derribar la percepción errada que muchas mujeres tienen de la belleza, y que se basa netamente en lo que ven en las revistas o la televisión.

A continuación te mostramos algunas imágenes con que Brenna ha intentado empoderar a las mujeres y mostrarles que un cuerpo sano también puede lucir así.

Yaassssssssss kweens. You know what day it is! 👑 👸 🎉 Do I love this part of my body? No, absolutely not. No matter how many times I talk about it, no matter how many people support me, its engrained in me to understand that "if you have cellulite, that part of your body is not good looking." And some people will read this and nod their head. I get it. But I also recognize that this is from social conditioning. IF YOU THINK for some reason that we are born with a natural distaste for certain body types then you are wrong. Let me give you this example: (This example slays btw) 🙏✨ If cellulite wasn't attractive because its inherently in our DNA, then we wouldn't also shame women for having body hair. Makes sense right? Body hair grows on us and yet we shave it off because smooth, white, young looking skin is more desirable than the other. But wait! It's in our primitive mind to look for mates who can survive, so why do we instinctively think that body hair on a woman is unattractive? Considering body hair is developed by biological evolution. BECAUSE WE HAVE BEEN RAISED TO THINK THAT. This is called cultural programming. This has nothing to do with what our cavemen minds think is attractive. And if you've been following my youtube videos I have spoke that our psychology cannot exist without the influence of our culture or the sub cultures around you. That would be called living in a "cultural vacuum" and it doesn't exist. If you recognize this, it's much easier to step out of your body and understand it from a sociological perspective. You can learn so so much about yourself once you realize how our minds and bodies work!! 🙆💕🙆💕🙆 I am no exception to this, cellulite monster inside of me still reigns her ugly head sometimes, but I acknowledge that this is social conditioning and I will not bow down to it. I will try to love myself. Over and over again.❤️ No matter how uncomfortable it makes me, no matter how hard, not matter what anyone says: I am on a journey for self love and I WILL NOT STOP. 🙅🙌🚫 #cellulitesaturday #thisbody #embracethesquish Also lovelies! Pls actually tag me in your pics! If you just @ me, it gets lost. Sowwie 💕💕💕💕💕

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IF YOU TRY TO SELL ME YOUR CELLULITE TREATMENT, I DON'T WANT IT. 😷 Now thats out of the way… This girl goes to the gym 4-5x a week. She weightlifts, includes cardio and plyometrics, she eats a personal well balanced diet and has for the last year. For those of you who comment and tell me "if you only lost ten pounds your cellulite would go away," without having researched my page to see I have lost over 50 pounds and yes my cellulite appear has reduced but it has not "gone away." Here are the stats again: 93% of women have cellulite. AND- You have a 90% chance of developing cellulite if you're a woman. 🙆💕If those stats don't make you feel at home and normal in your body I don't know what will 💕🙆 We have made it a "COSMETIC issue" not an indication of health. This is straight from the doc's mouth, not mine. It has to do with a combination of genetics and hormones. Which you can really only fuck with to a certain extent. THE ONLY WAY TO REMOVE CELLULITE IS TO REMOVE FAT. Can you remove fat through a topical cream? By massaging it? By drinking green tea? By rubbing coconut oil on yourself? That's not how it works. Stop this misinformation right now. 👏Cellulite is normal. And the beauty industry capitalizes on saying we need it removed.👏 Again, I'm not going to shame a woman for trying to work to get rid of hers I completely understand and respect the decision to do so. This message isn't for her. This message is for women who crave acceptance, self love and want appreciation for their bodies as they exist right now. Also sorry for the dbl watermark, I saw some people using my photos and cropped out my name from them 🙃 how nice! #cellulitesaturday #mermaidthighs #effyourbeautystandards #bodypositivity #nobodyshame #lovetheskinyourein #thisiswhatfitlookslike

A photo posted by Kenzie B (@omgkenzieee) on

Let's talk about boob jobs for a hot minute okay? Do not DAMN a woman or say she can't be a bopo warrior if she has one, alright? 🌸🌸🌸🌸 (Remember this may be a very important surgery for some bodies, like Trans* women!) Let's ask ourselves "why" she wants one. Attacking someone for changing apart of their body that society literally tells you on a day to day basis that you have to have bigger isn't helpful. It's not constructive, you don't encourage women learn about their situations, in fact you make things worse because once again we are taught to break each other down and fight against one another. #letsnotdodat What's the difference if I dye my hair or tattoo my eyebrows? What's the difference if I get botox or put on make up to appear younger? Is one really better than the other? 🙅 If we had fair representation in the media then the younger generation would grow up knowing that 1. Their boob size doesn't matter 2. Because their size doesn't matter 3. Because your self worth isn't a reflection of how much space you take up in the world I can't say I won't ever get a breast augmentation, I don't know what the future holds and I don't know what type of headspace I'll be in. But I want women to know it's okay, it's okay always. 💞 If we stay reflective, insightful we will figure it out together. The world is such a hard hard place already and small boobs, no boobs, big boobs, one boob etc should all be represented and considered beautiful 💕🙆✨ #BOOBSAREBEAUTIFUL #allbodiesaregoodbodies #womensupportingwomen #respectoneanother #BEFUCKINGNICE 😬💜

A photo posted by Kenzie B (@omgkenzieee) on

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