The Teletón Foundation emitted a statement denying what a publication exposes regarding to the funds that have been collected through their campaigns.
The article assured that the money would have been used by the Penta group. In reaction, the foundation refuted the sayings and accused the note of tricking the Chileans.
The public statement came out after the declarations of Iván Álvarez, ex supervisor of the SII, who assured that the ex auctioneer Jorge Valdivia, told him that the money gathered by the Teletón through the Banco de Chile ( Bank of Chile) could have been used by the Penta group.
“We strongly rejected the suppositions of the article, which are lying, are erroneous and are tricking the chileans who have built this major work for 37 years thanks to their contributions”, the foundation said.
The document adds that the gathered funds are administrated by the Banco of Chile at the legality frame and under the supervision of authorities from the finance sector. In regards to the to the funds’ managing , the entity assured that the foundation has been subjected periodically to strict audits, which are transparents and publics.