The Council of Defense of the State(CDE) decided to submit a request before the justice for trying to reopen the Riggs Case. The measure pretends to get to know the destination of the properties that have been administrated by the Foundation “Centro de Madres de Chile”, most known as CEMA Chile, which is lead by Lucía Hiriart, widow of Augusto Pinochet.
According to the information published by The Clinic, the CDE’s request was submitted after the sale of a property located in Chillan, for more than million pesos. The land would have been granted by the local government, likewise others 134 properties that the Ministry of National Properties gave for free to the Foundation, during the dictatorship.
Years ago, it was opened an investigation in order to disclose a supposed misappropriation of public funds, that Pinochet maintained secretly in accounts of the U.S Riggs Bank.
On that time, the CDE assured that on the capital flow resulting from the sale of properties, it was detected that part of the money was given to direct relatives of Lucía Hiriart, situation that clearly is not part of the purpose of the entity (CEMA Chile).