The wine-making industry of Chile, the fourth producer of wine in the world, has celebrated the adhesion of the country to the Transpacific Partnership (TPP), considering that since its start-up, the entry to the countries that make up the block will be faster.
In the frame of the Wine Fest, which was inaugurated the last Friday night, the president of the Chilean Wines, Mario Pablo Silva, warned that the start up of the TPP “mean the elimination of the certifications and analysis for the entry of our wines to the countries members of the block”.
” At the same time, we are going to maintain our advantages for the Chilean wine that will be entering to Japan, for above other economies like Australia and United States, which should await for exemption calendars for their bottled products for at least eight years, while Chile is going to enjoy of a complete tax exemption at the time the agreement take effect”, the executive added.