Stable with respect to the seismological activity stands the Villarrica Volcano, among the first and 16th of November, according to the report of Sernageomin, disclosed on Monday.
The Observatory of the National Service of Geology and Mining, has detailled that the volcanic system is continuing on a stable behavior.
The previous it comes to mean that the rate of events and the behavior of the tremor have been decreased progressively reaching levels considered as lows.
Regarding to these events, it has been continued observing nocturnal incandescence and low degasification. However, the register of acoustic signals and strombolian activity emissions at the end of October suggest that the volcanic system is still capable to generate explosions on the crater.
In addition, it exists the possibility of ashes release, which represent a latent risk to all those people close to the crater and due to the current conditions, the reactivation of an eruptive activity cannot being rejected because of the instability of some monitoring factors.
As a result, the authority recommended the restriction of the access to the danger zone, that is, the area at the exclusion radius of 1.5 km from the center of the crater. Thus, the yellow alert for the Villarrica Volcano keeps on track.