The minister of the Matute´s case, Carola Rivas, has set out a new hypotesis related to the barbituric acid discovered in the remains of Jorge Matute Johns. In addition, she criticized the initial work of the police.
The magistrate, who has left her exclusive dedication to this case, pointed out that the student ingested the barbituric acid in pills, according to El Mercurio.
” Thanks to the investigation and the professionals who have advised us , we discovered an oral way, through pills, which can reach the same levels ( high toxicity concentration) than the intravenous via”, Rivas sustained.
According to the judge, the hypotesis of the oral via goes more in compliance with the way how the track of the 23-year-old- student got lost.” Nobody can even imagine someone walking through a disco and putting people to sleep with a syringe”. she added.
“We are still working in the possibilities of intake under hoax, under coercion, with the clear intention of hurt him, of kill him, inclusively of commit against him a sexual assault or, the consumption without knowing the effects. Regarding to this ,we do not have an answer yet”, she specified.