TARAPACÁ, CHILE – The National Property Minister, Victor Osorio, and the Tarapacá Region’s Intendent, Claudia Rojas, have announced protection measures for the “Atacama´s Giant geoglyph”, which was vandalized with paint by unknowns.

Through a public statement, the authorities communicated the determination to close the perimeter, to allow the tourists to continue visiting the place, but also applying adequate measures in order to preserve it.

The Minister indicated: “First, we are going to install signals to guide people through the Giant´s historical roots, and on the other hand, we will encourage the permanent visitors to take care of this place by understanding that they are a part of this heritage that must be preserved for the next generations”.

The Tarapaca´s Intendent pointed out the importance of understanding the significance of this patrimonial territory. The paint, although less visible, is still there. As a result, the Chilean Government will increase protection measures to all the masterpieces, to avoid similar situations.

The Atacama Giant, is a pre-Inca image, created with rock accumulations and shore scraping. It is part of the Patrimonial Route´s milestones. Named by the National Property Ministry as the “Andes Altiplánicos, Quebrada de Tarapacá”

It is the biggest anthropomorphic prehistoric figure in the world. With 119 mts in height and 3000 m2 of surface. It is located in the northwest flank of the Unita Hill, at almost 15 km from La Huara, in the Tamarugal province, and 84 km away from Iquique. It is part of the Atacama Desert and it was built by people who lived in the area between the 900 and 1400 A.C.

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