Un turista francés que se tomaba una selfie murió al caer desde una cascada en la isla tailandesa de Koh Samui, informó el viernes la policía local.

El accidente tuvo lugar el jueves por la tarde en este lugar muy apreciado por los turistas y conocido por sus playa de arena blancas y sus senderos en la selva.

El hombre de 33 años cayó en la cascada Na Mueang 2, el mimo lugar en el que murió en julio pasado un turista español.

“Fueron necesarias varias horas para recuperar el cuerpo, ya que el terreno es resbaladizo y abrupto”, indicó el teniente Phuvadol Viriyavarangkul. “Su amigo nos contó que intentaba hacerse una selfie, resbaló y cayó”, agregó.

Según un estudio del All India Institute of Medical Sciences de 2018, los accidentes por selfies provocaron 259 muertes en el mundo entre octubre de 2011 y noviembre de 2017.

Handout | Na Mueang Rescue Unit Koh Samui Municipality | Agence France-Presse
Handout | Na Mueang Rescue Unit Koh Samui Municipality | Agence France-Presse

Recordemos que en 2018 una pareja de influencers de India que buscaba la “foto perfecta” murió luego de caer por un precipicio mientras se tomaban una selfie.

Se trata de Vishnu Viswanath, de 29 años, y Meenakshi Moorthy, de 30, quienes perdieron la vida al precipitarse por un acantilado de 240 metros de profundidad en el Parque Yosemite, en Estados Unidos.

La pareja se había casado hace cuatro años y se había mudado a vivir a la ciudad de San José (Estados Unidos). Los dos dedicaban sus días de vacaciones para viajar por lugares extremos y retratar sus aventuras en Instagram.

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SWIPE RIGHT TO SEE SOME EPICNESS 🤘 FROM #WOMENSMARCHONNYC … You know when I said I have a thing for badass 👊Wonder(ful) Women? Yesterday, I decided to be one myself and participated in the #WomensMarch here. I went alone and was on the verge of a meltdown 😶 for the first few minutes since everyone had their own squad and a tad reserved to accept this pink haired girlie 💕👩 but then I met my SISTERHOOD and I came back with a fiery tribe 🔥to dance with and mad memories to die for ✨ … It is ironical like @gloriasteinem said, the moment a woman chooses to behave like a full-human-being, she gets into a hell lotta troubles,😏and from yesterday my sisterhood and I, we have been subjected to a lot of “trolls” and controversies from people who couldn't care less about all this.🙄Let me help you here.🤗 〰️ WHY are we doing this and WHO are we doing this for⁉️ … 🔻We want the society to RESPECT OUR CHOICES. Treat us like a FULL HUMAN BEING. We love being a Mother/Wife/Chef but we do not want it to be FORCED on us. 〰️ 🔻Many women are labeled and objectified and not treated as INDIVIDUALS.We want to end that. 〰️ 🔻As much as we love our near and dear ones and would even die for them, we do NOT exist solely for EVERYBODY ELSE’S PURPOSE. 〰️ 🔻Like many trailblazing visionaries and virtuosos did before us and still doing, if THEY had not marched for us, we would probably still forced to be with shaven heads and slaving for someone else. 〰️ 🔻So it all boils down to #pinkpositivelight “RESPECT MY EXISTENCE OR EXPECT MY RESISTANCE” (@royabab 😍) 〰️〰️〰️ 🔴 Also, Feminism is NOT equal ❌ to Men-Hating. If anything we love and respect the men(those who return the feelings i.e.) in our life and again like Gloria said, “A feminist is anyone who recognizes the equality and full humanity of women and men.” … Please feel free to agree/disagree with these ideologies in comments and I will be more than happy to contribute to it💕 • • • #TogetherWeRise #TimesUp #NotOnOurWatch #NeverthelessShePersisted #DefineFeminism #GurlsTalk #WonderWomen #DameTravelerConnection #DameTraveler #SheisNotLost #TimeOutNewYork #seeyourcity #TheWeekOnInstagram

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