Simon Hooper se convirtió en un hombre muy famoso en el Reino Unido gracias a las particulares publicaciones que hace en su cuenta de Instagram, donde relata todos los problemas que sufre a diario a causa de la paternidad. Sus relatos son certeros, totalmente honestos y muy graciosos.

Simon es padre de 4 niñas, y todos los días representan un desafío diferente para él, sea en casa, yendo de compras, haciendo dormir a las menores y dándoles comida. Actualmente, su cuenta tiene 793 mil seguidores.

En una ida al supermercado, el hombre escribió: “Otro lunes, otra ida de compras de último minuto para evitar el ‘Armagedón’ en casa. Fui por pañales, toallitas y droga para bebés (leche), para las adictas. Básicamente vivo aislado en el supermercado ahora. Los padres nuevos me dicen que incluso parezco alguien experimentado (por la mirada cansada y los escalofríos)”.

“Ahora soy la enciclopedia de información de productos de bebés, ya que todos me preguntan aquí, justo a mi. Solía usar mi cerebro para arreglar problemas en mi trabajo, ahora para aprovechar los descuentos en caja”, agregó.

Another monday, another last minute rush to the shops to avoid the armageddon I.e running out of nappies, wipes & baby crack (milk) for the addicts. I basically live in this aisle of the supermarket now. New parents seem to gravitate to me as an "experienced parent" (i.e. the tired looking guy shivering in the corner) and ask "do you know where so and so is please?" My reponse – "Sure 3rd shelf, half way down on the left hand side, buy 3 & get a discount,although you want to use that in combination with blah blah blah." I'm like a walking encyclopaedia of baby product info. I used to use my brain to solve global corporate wide problems. I now use it to calculate bulk buy discounts. #ishouldgetanamebadge #bogofking #iliveherenojoke #dadbrain #lifeinthefastlane #fatherofdaughters #dadlife #instadad

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Otro día, el conflicto fue al lavar los dientes de sus bebés más pequeñas: “Cepillar los dientes es ahora por completo y las niñas quieren que lo sepamos por completo. Un correo electrónico habría bastado, pero parece que prefieren usar sus voces para transmitir el mensaje de que realmente no están disfrutando de esta etapa de desarrollo”.

“No es un grito directo, es más como el sonido que un animal herido podría hacer y que simplemente quiere terminarlo todo. No puedo culparlas, es como una mini escena de ‘Alien’ en este momento, solo en muy lento movimiento”, complementó.

Teething is now in full effect and the girls want us to know all about it. An email would have sufficed but it seems they'd rather use their voices to get the message across that they really aren't enjoying this stage of development. Its not straight screaming, it's more like the sound a wounded animal might make that just wants to end it all. I can't blame them though, it's like a mini scene from 'Alien' in there at the moment, just in very very slow motion (and of course teeth don't then go on to kill you and the crew of your ship so a few subtle differences but essentially the same). #canyoubulkbuybonjela #teethinglikealien #twins #thisisntfunforanyone #doubleteethingisnotdoublethefun #fatherofdaughters #instadad #dadlife #daddydentist

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El joven padre fue consultado por el medio británico Huffington Post, donde reveló que ese estilo de vida es común a todos los padres, sólo que él decidió revelarlo a diario.

“En general, toda mi cuenta es para mostrar un punto de vista realista de lo que es la paternidad, desde la visión de la persona involucrada”, declaró.

Tras esto aseveró: “Hay una versión mucho más natural y creíble cuando viene desde los padres, quise compartir lo que realmente es y agregar un poco de humor al mismo tiempo”

For some unknown reason, the twins have remained in their standard wrap & strap nappies up until now, which makes changing time about as much fun as wrestling a trout with anger management issues whilst in a bucket of oil. With legs flailing in all directions, what used to take seconds, now requires a vice like grip & a bulk buy amount of patience, so we've finally got round to taking the plunge & moving to @pampersworld nappy pants – something that we should have done months ago when they started exercising their right to wriggle. The best part is that the twins want to put them on themselves, reducing the potential for kicks directly to the face as well as our stress levels. I just wish we'd moved to these earlier instead of waiting for potty training! Now they just need to figure out how cook their own meals & we're golden! #wrigglewrestle #kicktotheface #diynappies #imnolongerneeded #whydidntwedothissooner #pampers #ad #Fatherofdaughters #dadlife #instadad #fod

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Sin embargo, Simon declara que su vida no es más complicada que la del resto de los padres, ya que son problemas domésticos.”Todo el mundo debe lidiar con los mismos inconvenientes en esta labor llamada paternidad”, concluyó.

Cabe señalar que él no es padre soltero. Su esposa Clemie también posee una cuenta de Instagram, claro que no es tan reveladora como su marido.

Usually our weekends are jam packed with child related activities from the moment we wake to the moment we pass out, but today has been one of those days when we have achieved the sum total of zero multipled by zilch, or what's become known as a 'nothing day'. We've not contributed to progression of the human race in any way, shape or form & have instead basically just been a drain on the worlds oxygen resources & giving absolutely nothing back in return. I genuinely don't think we even went outside, but everyone both needs and deserves a house day now and again. We won't be winning any awards for most energy expended in a day or be handed personalised 'overachiever' medals, but we worked hard on creating a deep imprint on the sofa & I for one am very proud of what we've accomplished. That's what I call proper team work. #wellwritethisdayoff #teamwork #familyganghang #achievednothingandproud #drainonresources #saturday #fatherofdaughters #fod #instadad #dadlife

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Monday's are always difficult, and not just because it's the start of the working week. @mother_of_daughters heads offbat 4.45am to have a break from us to work, leaving me in charge of coordinating both the am & pm routines which can be more challenging than starting a fire with a tray of ice cubes. As the sun rose, everything was fine, but I can only assume that Ottie urinated in delilah's imaginary tea in the home corner at nursery, as upon arriving at home this evening, world war 3. Delilah silently decided to use Ottie as a budget floor mop & dragged her by the hair through her own dinner like a plough, forcing me to reluctantly dust off my invisible referees outfit once again & quite literally keep them at arm's length from eachother until bedtime. Who else out there just loves Mondays? #thatgirlcanholdagrudge #dadreferee #catfight #twins #comehomeclemmie #toddlerhairtransplantrequired #fatherofdaughters #dadlofe #fod #instadad

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Usually bedtime is like walking into a warzone, a warzone with low level lighting, soft furnishings & bunny rabbits. Its a place where books are used as sharp cornered weapons and children break camoflague from underneath soft toys to lob bottle shaped milk grenades indiscriminately at people over 4 ft tall, but tonight was different. In the time it took me to get milk squared away and peg it back upstairs, the twins exhausted all of their energy reserves, allowing the silent assassin, sweet sweet jetlag, to stealthly slip in behind enemy lines and render them comatose. This was our victory photo. Of course the victory is bitter sweet as I now have to move these dead weights & will no doubt be revisited by them at 3am when they think it's morning, bit for now, we'll bask in the glory that is 2 little girls that fought the good fight, but lost to sleep. (See stories for vids). #jetlagforthewin #theycametheyfoughttheylost #easiestbedtimeever #ilovethesmellofnappiesinthemorning #fatherofdaughters #fod #dadlife #instadad

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