Soquimich sent a statement to their stockholders, denying to have been benefited from the changes to the mining royalty law approved in 2010, during the government of Sebastián Piñera and driven by Pablo Longueira.
The mining has even explained that, during the three subsequent years to the approval of the initiative, the company paid 75 million dollars on taxes, while between 2007 and 2009, they only paid 29 million dollars.
“A simple reading of the law and to its modifications, clarified that does not exist a special regime or benefits, or economic advantages for SQM, and in no way for the affiliated companies”, adds the document.
The company has also especified that “since the approval to the modifications to the mining royalty, have not existed big criticisms and not even complaints about it”.
Finally, SQM assured they are supporting all the investigations driven by the Public Ministry, and they will provide all the information needed, during the process.