The Health Commission of the Chamber of Deputies approved the bill that allows the growing of marijuana for personal and private use. The initiative aims growing six plants per household for both medicinal and recreational use.

The bill, which now goes to discussion at the senate’s room, pursue the amendment to the drug law. So people can grow marijuana for medicinal and recreational use, with the authorization of growing a maximum of six plants per household.

Those who need cannabis for medicinal use shall have a prescription and will be able to carry up to 10 grams. However, its use on public roads will continue to be banned in all forms while maintaining the current penalties for those who violate the law 20,000.

The commission rejected three important indications in this project, which had been proposed by social organizations and some parliamentarians. Among them, allow the creation of cannabis associations which seek to increase the number of plants allowed ; the use of cannabis for medicinal purposes on public and that those who defend people charged under the law 20,000, may hold public office.