Erin Heatherton es una de las tantas modelos que ha debido lidiar con las exigencias del mundo de la moda y que además ha contado su experiencia en sus redes sociales como un testimonio para el resto de mujeres.

La ex Victoria’s Secret y también ex novia de Leonardo Di Caprio tiene un nuevo proyecto: un portal destinado a ayudar a mujeres con problemas de autoestima.

“Decidí dejar de esconderme detrás en esa versión prefabricada de mí misma. Ya no actúo guiada por miedos e inseguridades. Elegí redirigir mi energía para que se convirtiera en catalizadora del cambio: crear un canal para que las mujeres se conviertan en su versión más honesta” escribió en una foto de Instagram.

“He estado luchando con la imagen de mi cuerpo y la presión de cumplir una serie de expectativas un tanto perfeccionistas. No soy perfecta. Durante esta lucha, sin embargo, he encontrado la fuerza para amarme a mí misma. Mantuve mi poder. Ahora cuando miro atrás y recuerdo ese momento, lo acepto”.

En la imagen aparece la modelo con una polera negra con la frase “Emporwered by Failure” que según explica el sitio español Vogue, sería la firma de una nueva marca de lencería la cual destinaría sus ganancias a la ayuda de mujeres en situación de pobreza.

En una segunda foto posó junto a Renata Negro, la fundadora de la marca, también acompañada de un mensaje inspirador.

Erin Heatherton quien tiene 27 años fue un ángel de Victoria’s Secret en el periodo 2010-2012.

Revisa las imágenes acá.

The breakdown to breakthrough moment in my life has allowed me to become the truest version of myself. In my moment of “failure,” I stood in the face of adversity. I was struggling with my body image and the pressures to fulfill the demands of perfectionism upon me. I am not perfect. Through this struggle, however, I found the strength to love myself. I stood in my power. I thought of one of my favorite quotes, “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a men’s character, give him power” – Abraham Lincoln. I look back on that moment now, and I embrace it. This feeling I once perceived as “failure” was, in truth, a powerful awakening for me to stand behind my purpose in life. I stepped away from hiding behind a fabricated version of myself. I no longer put actions behind my fears and insecurities. I made a choice to redirect my energy to be a catalyst for change. To create a channel for women to become the truest versions of themselves, along with me. (Stay tuned for more…) In the end, if you aren’t being true to yourself, then what the fuck is the point. #rebelwacause #empowerment #womensempowerment#empoweredbyyou

Una foto publicada por Erin Heatherton (@erinheathertonlegit) el

BY @renatamblack: "Being adopted at a young age, life to me, and everything that came with it occurred to me as, “lucky.” This came with the awareness that not everyone was as luck as me. In my decade long effort to empower women out of poverty and into self-sufficiency via microfinance, I have not been the overnight success I thought I deserved to be. In this pursuit of magic, the path has been my teacher. Living out your purpose is the highest luxury and it is a privilege that is earned as I have learned. Throughout this tenacious journey dotted by insecurity I always come back to the why I do what I do and think, “Be who you were before all that stuff happened that dimmed your fucking shine.” I turn insecurity into relentless drive and think of my favorite quote from Rosa Parks, “ You must never be fearful about what you are doing when it is right" BY #renatablack #rebelwacause #empoweredbyyou #womensempowerment

Una foto publicada por Erin Heatherton (@erinheathertonlegit) el