To a disbelief Identity control were suppressed Accredited Chilean journalists in Bolivia. The professionals have traveled to the Altiplanic country in order to gather the diverse reactions facing the ICJ verdict related to the preliminary objection submitted by Chile.

The control affected to the press teams of Canal13 and Mega. Specifically, the incident happened at almost 3.00 am when immigration agents arrived to the hotel asking for their ID documents.

Both, the procedure and the time at what the operative was unfolded, were described as irregular by the hotel’s employees, who has been tried to impede the authorities of irrupted into the bedrooms.

The immigration agents involved on the operation assured it was a routine practice, reviewing a list. Between the required professionals are journalists, producers, cameraman and assistants, all of them Chileans.

Due to the situation, all of them have presented their objections, as well as the time and also because all of their antecedents are available on the Chilean Consulate offices. And in the same way, their work visas are regulated.

After the incident the hotel expressed its apologies to the Chileans, and asked the explanations due to the irregular action.

We have to remember that on May, while the complaining for the preliminary objections were on course, President Evo Morales, branded as spies the Chilean journalists.