The president Michelle Bachelet confirmed the resignation of Felipe Bulnes to his charge of Chilean Agent before the International Court of Justice at The Hague.
The president announced that in his replacement will assume the lawyer and ex minister José Miguel Insulza, who is going to manage the lawyers’ team in the second stage and also she expressed that “the new agent will focus exclusively on this function”.
The new agent expressed his gratitude for the designation and confessed be moved due to they placed their trust on him.
“This moment is fundamental for the sovereign of the country”, Insulza said.
On his behalf, Bulnes explained the reasons of his resignation, and blamed it to the lost of cohesion in relation to the figure of the agent due to the different expectations of the society and the political pressures around the verdict of the ICJ to the preliminary objection. Thus, the change of agent would have the intention to reinforce confidence in the process and in that way, recover the adherence.