President Michelle Bachelet, affirmed yesterday Monday from Manila, that her Government has “very good arguments” for defending the Transpacific Partnership (TPP), which is awaiting for its ratification at the Congress.
In addition, the president highlighted the significance of having a dialogue in order to reach pacific solutions, which also helps for the democracy consolidation. While, regarding to economic matters, she mentioned the political and economic parties existing in South America, specially the relation with Mexico, Colombia, Peru and Chile, part of the TPP.
On this line, she referred about the reforms which are being driving, including the anti-corruption agenda, arguing that despite of that Chile is not a corrupt country, it is necessary to separate the money from the politic.
Related to the TPP she assured that our country is going to have many benefits due to this association, but she also recognized that the issue is going to generate an important discussion inside the Chilean Congress; pointing out that even though that the ratification is on a good path, as Government, they have good arguments to explain to the people the reasons why this agreement would be beneficial to Chile.