The Tourist sector of Magallanes has rejected harshly the proposal of the Government which pretends to charge to foreign visitors the fee of US$25 dollars.
According to the Executive, the money would be of benefit to national parks, specially for their maintenance, and would be charged by concept of lodging.
According to La Tercera, Alejandro Kusanovic, president of the Chamber of Commerce in Magallanes, explained they have been working hard to cut prices in benefit to foreign visitors. We achieved the exemption of value-added tax, and now they want to charge another tax. Obviously tourists are going to prefer to stay at the Argentinian side, in Calafate or Usuaia, where is taxes free. ” This measure would duplicate the cost for an average night”, he claimed.
From the Government, Christian García, Seremi of Finance, highlighted that the proposal is still under discussion, and a new stage of dialogue, was recently opened in response to the requirement of the Regional Council, in order to evaluate the impacts of the initiative. And in reaction to the opposition at the region, the modification will count with a year of deadline to reach agreement before being promulgated as law.