Codelco announced this Monday a reduction of its executive staff, from 302 to 255 professionals. This due to an optimization measure to face the cooper low-prices.
Through a statement, the State’s cooper company, declared its executive staff streamlining plan by a reorganization of their tasks. It will be applied by the responsibility integration under one managing and also grouping together districted and corporative jobs.
“As a result of this tasks reorganization, the executive staff will be reduced a 15.6%”, The Miner emphasized.
Patricio Chávez, Vice president of corporative and sustainability subjects, explained that “by this resolution, Codelco is maximizing its efforts in order to increase the company’s productivity and ate the same time, fulfill its compromises with the country”. He also valued and recognized the valuable professional contribution of those executives to the company.
The measure will be effective since next 1 of November and it has been communicated to all those involved.