With applauses was approved the project of law, that regulates the registration of Chileans abroad, and also the change of place of residence, for those who want to vote overseas the country. The main idea is to maximize the citizen participation, specially of those who have fought to get this right. This initiative gained strength on 2013 through social networks.
The spokesman of the Association “Haz tu voto volar”, (Make your vote fly), Francisco Fuentealba, who has lived for 8 years in Germany, stated they are expecting to celebrate on the coming weeks, the promulgation of the future law and the arrival of resources to consulates, in order to start to obtain information about the process.
Regarding to this achievement, the undersecretary of Foreign Affairs, Edgardo Riveros, described the approval of the initiative as an important step, in direction to presidential elections, primaries and possible plebiscites.
Since now, every country that have a Chilean Consulate, will also have an Electoral board, that will be presided by the respective Consul and made up of other official of the External Service, who will be the secretary.