Renovación Nacional (RN), requested to the president Michelle Bachellet specify with the political and social institutions of the country the actions that Chile is going to follow in order to strenghten his defend in the face of the demand submitted by Bolivia before the International Court of Justice at The Hague to get sovereign access to the Pacific Ocean.
The political party headed by deputy Cristián Monckeberg, delivered a statement due to the resignation of the lawyer Felipe Bulnes, member of RN, to his charge of Chilean Agent at The Hague. Assignment he was executing since April of 2013, when president Piñera gave the designation.
RN expressed its gratitude due to ” the dedication, professionalism and patriotism he has been showed facing the complicated assignment that was entrusted him”. And in addition, they made public their respect to his decision.
But also the statement has warned it must be given the detail of the new stage that Chile is going to follow after the ICJ declared itself competent to see the background of the Bolivian demand.