Due to the complex situation that the national dairy producers are facing as consequence of not achieving an agreement with the processors industries about the milk buying price, the president of the National Federation of Milk Producers, Horacio Carrasco, assured that an association with China would make possible an improvement of conditions, after closing of many dairies in the country.

Carrasco explained they are pretending to project and promote the national production by the association with China, considering that they have the hydric resources and an appropriate climate in order to fulfill the purpose and get over the halt.

In addition they will continue fomenting the association by professional courses on the main affected regions in order to give to those producers the needed orientation to generate on scale economy and negotiation power.
Uri Wainer, economist and ex CEO of Corfo and the Central Bank, questioned the idea by explaining that China invest but only in state companies which doesn’t exist in Chile. Even though, he said that it could be possible if the country inspires them enough confidence.

In addition, Wainer stated that China is concerned about its population’s diet and this offer could be a great option.
About the Fedeleche’s demand, lodged on the Free Competence Tribunals and which is standby, Horacio Carrasco assured that new documents are under examination to be include to the judicial process.