Last year an atypical symphonic chorus show was presented during the Presidential Gala of September 18th, in spite of the long tradition of presenting an opera, which has been the choice since the beginning of the gala in 1910.
As a result, many have praised the return of this genre to the ceremony celebrating the commemoration of the First National Government Assembly. The Giuseppe Verdi arrangement “Los dos Foscari” a three acts drama, is the opera that President Michelle Bachelet will see in this year’s traditional Gala.
The Opera plot, based in the verse play of the same name written by Lord Byron in 1821, could make the high political authorities attending the celebration to feel uncomfortable. This is one of Verdi’s more political compositions.
The drama focuses in the story of the dux-leader and principal ruler of Venetia, Francesco Foscari, who fell out of favor after signing the perpetual exile sentence of his son Jacopo, for treason.
The son of this high leader is a sinister character for the Venetian elite, he was exiled before with corruption and complicity charges in the crime of a secret member of the local Council of The Ten.
This organization obligates the dux to abdicate, he, with a wounded heart, dies while the election of a new ruler is being called.
By searching in the social networks the name of the Italian composition “ I due Foscari” is evident that people is making a parallel between the play and Michelle Bachelet’s situation after the disclosure of the Caval case, which has Sebastian Davalos, the president’s son, as the main actor.
Double intention? An unfortunate coincidence? The Municipality of Santiago, one of the entities that signs the invitations next to the presidential palace, explained to BioBioChile that the cultural corporation commonly offers to the Presidency the masterpiece offered at the time the gala is in progress.
That makes sense, because staging a different show means an important expense considering stage, actors, and all the work required for its performance.
The presidency has abstained from any declaration related to this uncomfortable situation. Even though, La Moneda has admitted that they probably overlooked the plot of the Opera at the moment the presidency approved the municipality proposal.
Lee la noticia en español aquí.