President Boric’s blooper in Punta Arenas: he got stuck in a playground slide

Publicado por Christian Leal
La información es de Néstor Aburto

07 mayo 2023 | 14:38

The leader was trapped inside of a children’s slide in a square in Punta Arenas.

Residents of Punta Arenas recorded an unusual moment involving President Gabriel Boric in the playground slide of one of the city squares.

The president was in the Magallanes region to participate in this Sunday’s elections since he has decided not to change his electoral address.

For this reason, he scheduled a trip to the area that began on Friday, participating in meetings and activities with local authorities such as the new presidential delegate, José Ruiz Pivcevic.

He and his partner Irina Karamanos also took time to go on a walk around his hometown, which included the coastal road facing the Strait of Magellan.

There, the president threw himself down a children’s slide, being trapped for a few moments since the slide was wet due to the rainfall from the previous night.

The event was recorded by neighbors who were passing by the place, a video accessed by Radio Bío Bío.

“That’s funny, there he is coming out… our President of the Republic got stuck”, says the woman who recorded the video.

“After ten minutes stuck in the slide, and breaking it, our mature president came out”, he adds with a laugh.

Radio Bío Bío asked the Presidency about the incident. They indicated that the president was on his day off together with his family and partner.

Check out President Boric’s blooper on the slide below: