Una youtuber australiana, famosa por promover la cultura vegana, asegura haber ahorrado unos cuatro mil dólares (2 millones 500 mil pesos chilenos) en maquillaje y otros cosméticos luego de irse a vivir hace un año a algún punto de la selva sudamericana.

La mujer, conocida como Freelee y quien tiene 37 años de edad, pasa la mayor parte del tiempo desnuda, sin ninguna prenda de vestir que la “limite”.

De acuerdo a un artículo del periódico británico Daily Mail, la blogger se alimenta con los frutos que ella misma cuida y recolecta, mientras que para ducharse usa el agua de las lluvias monzónicas.

Según afirmó la propia oceánica, decidió escapar de la “civilización occidental” junto a su pareja para alejarse de la vida de “esclava” que llevaba, trabajando cinco días a la semana.

Although it's seldom, I still feel the pressure to conform in society, to shave my legs and underarms, to paint my face and look a certain way to others. This western self-obsession is a powerful dis-ease to shake. Some days I strut confidently, other days I pick at my insecurities, but everyday I move forward with strong purpose. I sometimes see that look of disgust from certain others at my hairy armpits and legs but I always remind myself – that person is not part of my tribe. Would I really want to spend my valuable time with someone who feels that way? About body hair? A person who thinks I'm disgusting as my natural self? Heck no! 🤷‍♀️Girls, remember, your body hair is a gift, it's protective and part of your being, but maybe best of all it's also a powerful natural fuckboi repellent.😉#gofreeyourself

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“Desarrollé problemas temporales de salud debido al profundo estrés psicológico. Al mismo tiempo, despertó esta profunda fortaleza en mi interior“, comentó.

A través de sus redes sociales, Freelee sube regularmente las imágenes de su día a día en este inusual hogar.

Además, la australiana comparte constantemente reflexiones junto a sus miles de seguidores que mantiene en Instagram.

Lately I go days without looking in the mirror even once, and I find it incredibly freeing. This was definitely not always the case. As a young woman I became obsessed with my reflection. I would spend hours a day analysing and comparing. Was it because I was vain? Because I thought I was too perfect for this world? On the contrary, I saw a face filled with 'imperfections'. I believed the story I was told by advertisements, that I was born inadequate and in desperate need of enhancement. I saw normal human charateristics as defects to be erased or covered; to be ashamed of. I hated my skin, especially my freckles. My smile was too narrow and my teeth too crooked. My top lip too skinny. Eyes not big enough. My hair too fine. The reality is, I didn't see the real me in the mirror. I didn't see the cheeky girl who loved to explore nature for hours and play in the dirt and creeks, instead I saw the ugly lies the beauty industry fed me. I've now been many months without makeup, fake lashes, creams, treatments etc and it feels so damn liberating. Remember, you were not born flawed, you were born into a flawed system. You were designed to be wild and free, to get dirty, to love and laugh, to explore and experience this beautiful planet – not to stress over your humanness. Don't buy the lie$ #gofreeyourself

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“Hay gente en este mundo que quiere inspirar un cambio positivo y también están aquellos que quieren tirar hacia abajo a esas personas. Alguien escribió que yo estaba mintiendo, y que vivía en una mansión. Además dijo que yo tenía un fotógrafo que me seguía a todos lados para tomarme fotos”, escribió en una de sus más recientes publicaciones.

“En realidad, he estado viviendo en una simple carpa durante muchos meses, soportando las lluvias monzónicas y los vientos huracanados. Ha sido REALMENTE difícil por algunos momentos”, agregó.

En otras publicaciones, la youtuber se ha defendido de quienes la acusan de ser un “fraude” por tener un smartphone, internet y electricidad.

There are people in this world who want to inspire positive change✋️and then there are others who want to bring those people down. One commenter said I was lying and living in a mansion out here and have a photographer who follows me around taking all my pics. Not quite hunny. 😅 In reality I've been living in a simple tent for many months, through monsoonal rains and gale force winds. It's been REALLY tough at times. No photographer but I do have Mr Tripod enabling me to video myself and then take screenshots for Instagram. Another commenter said I'm a fraud for having a smartphone, internet, and electricity. Yes, I do have a smart phone (but no reception), laptop and internet made possible through a satellite connection. Necessary tools of communication and income. This means I can share with you what I see as an empowering urgent message. At this stage I can't send you that message telepathically 🤷‍♀️The electricity I use is 100% free and generated by 6 solar panels harnessing the suns rays. I don't have any lights so go to bed on sundown and get up on sunrise, as nature intended. I drink from (and bathe in) pristine stream water free of cost and city pollutants. I eat a frugivorous diet which is mostly grown here organically with a goal of 100% free food in the coming years. Living off the grid doesn't mean you have to exist like a hermit who doesn't communicate with the outside world. We are creating a beautiful natural life here and I want to inspire you do the same. ☀️#gofreeyourself

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“Si, tengo un smartphone, notebook e internet, gracias a una conexión satelital. Son herramientas necesarias de comunicación e ingresos. Esto significa que puedo compartir con ustedes lo que veo como un mensaje urgente de empoderamiento”, aseveró.

“En este punto no puedo enviarles el mensaje telepáticamente. La electricidad que uso es 100% gratis y generada por seis paneles solares que aprovechan los rayos del sol”, complementó.

I'm sitting here eating sugar apples and a very old memory is triggered. As an 8 year old I had a routine of listening to my mum and dad talking in bed at night. They didn’t know I did and usually it was very calming for me. Not this night. I overheard my dad say that he thought it was weird that I didn’t have many friends, and that I wasn’t normal. I remember gasping and trying to hold back the tears. I already felt like an outcast in school. Now my dad, who was the centre of my universe even thought I was strange. I felt like I had disappointed him and that he didn’t love me so I went about trying to make friends. I was very introverted and this felt unnatural to me. I only liked minimal company. Needless to say the plan failed. I repeated the pattern a thousand times more until one day I realised HANG ON…. THIS IS WHO I AM. Being a weirdo is my speciality! 🤙Please don’t ever be afraid to be different, BE afraid to be like everyone else. You are a limited edition. So welcome my fellow weirdos, you will fit right in here. 🤝#gofreeyourself

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Polémica por su extrema dieta

Freelee había saltado a la fama en 2014, cuando causó gran revuelo tras revelar sus inusuales hábitos alimentarios.

Tras luchar contra la bulimia, la mujer decidió llevar una dieta vegetariana extrema compuesta en un 91% de vegetales crudos y cuyo principal alimento era el plátano, llegando a consumir hasta 51 al día, lo que equivale a unas 5.000 calorías.

La australiana complementaba este tipo de alimentación con mucho ejercicio, lo que le permitió alcanzar un físico tonificado.

Freele se convirtió en sensación en las redes sociales tras publicar una serie de videos en Youtube en donde comentaba los beneficios de su dieta.

Some of my fav foods in the World 😍🍌🍓🍍🍇🍉🍒 #gofruityourself

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“No tienes que comer esta cantidad de plátanos. Sólo estoy tratando de mostrar que tienes que comer grandes cantidades para estar delgado”, dijo Freelee en uno de sus videos, en los que comió 51 plátanos, repartidos entre el desayuno, el almuerzo y la cena.

Cabe señalar que en aquella oportunidad, la vocera de la Asociación Dietética Británica, Aisling Pigott, aseguró a Daily Mail que si bien la dieta vegetariana puede ser buena, se deben tener precauciones.

“Hay algunos beneficios para la dieta. Por ejemplo, una dieta vegetariana bien balanceada puede ser muy saludable si se gestiona correctamente, sin embargo, todos los veganos deberían prestar especial atención a su hierro y la ingesta de calcio, además de un suplemento de vitamina B12″, explicó.

Si bien los expertos aconsejan aumentar el consumo de frutas y verduras, la porción recomendada es de 5 porciones al día, y en lo posible, el total de alimentos ingeridos diariamente no debería sobrepasar las 2.000 calorías, según indica la Biblioteca Nacional de Medicina de Estados Unidos.