La bloggera Madalin Giorgetta mantenía una estricta dieta de 800 calorías diarias hasta que se percató que su alimentación era muy pobre respecto al consumo calórico que una persona de sus características necesita (1.500 calorías).

De esta forma, la joven de 27 años se contactó con su entrenador y nutricionista, quien le recomendó incluir proteínas y carbohidratos en sus comidas, aumentando de un 10% a 50% el consumo de estos últimos. “Cuando me sugirió esta nueva dieta, pensé que iba a engordar”, admite en su cuenta de instagram.

Con este nuevo régimen alimentario, la joven incrementó en 1.000 su consumo calórico, alcanzando las 1.800 calorías diarias. “Fue difícil aumentar el tamaño de mis comidas. Tardé mucho en terminar de comer los primeros días”, explica.

Sin embargo, Madalin no engordó, e incluso logró que su físico se tonificara aún más. La joven aprovechó de compartir su logro en redes sociales, en donde mostró su cuerpo antes y después del cambio.

Its difficult putting your body out there for people to view, judge, and comment as they please. When I take a photo I do take my best angles. The best representation of what my body actually looks like is my transformation photos, and they are so nerve-wracking to post. @tashoakley got slammed by the Daily Mail who "exposed how her real body looks, without the filters." So how does this make a normal person feel, when apparently even someone as gorgeous as Tash has a body that can be picked apart? Is she not allowed to take photos that flatter her shape? Is this so wrong? I know people will say that this picture isn't the same position/lighting/clothing/hair/eyebrows 😐 as the before photo but I know the work I've done over the last 6.5 months and I don't feel like I'm duping anyone. I have worked hard for my results and they can be seen best when my legs are at the right angles to emphasise my gains. Let me ask you this: would you feel confident to post your least favourite angle of your body… in your underwear? I like many women, could list a thousand things that are "wrong" with my body. I used to beat myself up over it but now and maybe because I have gotten older, am trying to be more accepting and loving towards my body. Taking unflattering photos of my body certainly does not make me feel more confident in my body. Maybe in time I'll be confident to show photos of me when I'm not flexing, when I'm bloated AF, or the cellulite on my thighs but for now I can't do it. And that's okay. We shouldn't be made to feel bad about ourselves. Accepting and loving our bodies (especially as women) is a difficult journey and it's okay if you need to make it a little easier for yourself along the way #usethegoddamnfilter #realtalk

A photo posted by Madalin Giorgetta (@madalingiorgetta) on

“No pierdas tiempo comiendo solo ensaladas cuando también puedes consumir papas y dulces. Solo basta con comer saludable y hacer ejercicio para tener un buen cuerpo”, admite.

Finalmente la bloggera asegura que se siente más energizada que antes a la hora de ejercitarse y su estado anímico está mucho mejor.

Cabe señalar que Madalin Giorgetta actualmente pesa 52 kilogramos y entrena su cuerpo a diario.