Una joven madre utiliza Instagram como plataforma para inspirar a gente que sufre de problemas como depresión, ansiedad y trastorno por estrés postraumático, luego de que ella misma lograra superar todos esto, además de sobrevivir a una violación y casi perder a un hijo.

Se trata de Heidi Williams, quien ha logrado salir adelante gracias al yoga, y ahora busca a inspirar a otros que están pasando por situaciones similares que ella.

Según contó a la revista especializada Mantra Yoga+Health, “cuando mi bebé tenía 6 meses, lo vi morir. Su cuerpo dejó de funcionar. Yo vi aterrorizada cómo lentamente respiró por última vez, se puso gris y cayó rígido en los brazos de mi esposo. Algo pasa contigo cuando aceptas la horrible verdad de que alguien a quien amas más que a la vida misma, se ha ido. Y yo lo sentí (…) Ese evento traumático me cambió para siempre y fue el comienzo de graves episodios de trastorno de estrés postraumático, depresión masiva, intentos de suicidio y ansiedad constante”.

“Fue en ese infierno que encontré al yoga y la armonía. El yoga me llevó de vuelta a un lugar seguro. Un lugar de paz y autoaceptación (…) Yo pude superar mis problemas psicológicos, y ahora dedico mi vida y carrera a ayudar a otros a atravesar el proceso de autocuración”, explicó.

The definition of Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.- Anonymous Who is ready for an EMOTIONAL DETOX?? Starting this Sunday I am hosting my very first 7 DAY EMOTIONAL CLEANSE. During this Cleanse we will be… 1 Identifying  Triggers, self-destructive behavior and false belief systems that have kept you from experiencing the inner strength, peace and happiness you know is inside of you, but seemed buried under trauma or over all a heaviness you cant seem to identify. 2. Challenging, Dismantling and Eradicating the false belief beliefs keeping you stuck in a downward spiral 3. Establishing a new belief system based on your peace and truth.  I will be including Meditations, Yoga, Exercise, Nutrition, Essential Oils, Teas and any other tool that have been my go-to's during my  own healing journey. You can particitpate at whatever level works for you, but I will say, the more you show up, the more results you will get. I will be taking you through a very similar proccess to the one I went through when I cleared my own PTSD trigger. This proccess can be incredibly transformative if you allow it to transform you. With that, I cannot wait to spend the whole week clearing emotional space with you!!! xoxoxoxoxo  See you Sunday!! click the link in bio to join us as we detox our emotions and open ourselves up to new found peace, health and happiness PHOTO WIZARD: @kariannphoto Pants: @flexilexi_fitness

A photo posted by heidiwilliams89 (@heidiwilliams89) on

Así, utiliza su experiencia para dar clases de yoga especialmente dedicadas a superar depresión, ansiedad y otros problemas psicológicos.

Y también ha usado su cuenta en Instagram para mostrar en fotografías sus poses de yoga, a modo de inspirar a otros a practicar la disciplina para superar sus traumas, o simplemente traerles armonía al ver la paz que emiten. Cada imagen va a acompañada de un pequeño texto inspiracional que ella escribe personalmente.

Cabe mencionar que el bebé de Heidi finalmente se salvó de morir y hoy es un niño sano, y además la mujer y su esposo tienen otro hijo de casi 8 meses de edad.

Probably the most AWKWARD bump picture ever. Sometimes you win. Sometimes you lose. I lost this round. 😂 Anyway…. When it comes to mental or emotional breakdowns,  I've got quite the history. There are MANY circumstances that can bring them on.  Some you can't control.  But some you can. So tomorrow for #thewarriorwithin I'm going to give you 2 things to think about and rule out when that anxiety,  depression or just plain freak out starts happening. There are a lot more than 2 that we could talk about,  but these are the most common for me and there simply isn't enough room to talk about all of them here. 1. Are you hungry? Omg. I don't know how many times I have looked back at a moment I lost control and realized I hadn't eaten recently.  My blood sugars were low and I'm hypoglycemic.  Put a little stress on my plate during those low blood sugar hours and you've got a full on wild beast on your hands.  Complete with gnashing of teeth. 2. Are you tired? Here's what it comes down to.. When I get enough sleep,  I'm charming,  sweet and cheerful.  When I don't,  I'm a b*tch. Enough said. Next time you feel the meltdown coming on,  check to see whether one of these 2 factors are contributing to it.  You may be surprised at how much they can affect you. ***Also…. For those wondering about my blog,  I have exciting news!!! It has been getting a make over for the last couple weeks and will be relaunching soon!!! With LOTS of REALLY EXCITING things to offer.  I can't wait to share them with you! Xoxoxo

A photo posted by heidiwilliams89 (@heidiwilliams89) on