The Bolivian president, Evo Morales, will travel the coming Tuesday to the Silala river, accompanied by communication medias and journalist, to explain the details of the new lawsuit his country will submit, against Chile, before the International Court of Justice at The Hague, for using the waters of the mentioned affluent.
At the ocassion, the commission, headed by Morales and made up by ministers and Bolivian press, will arrive to the border to inspect the course of the waters of the Silala river, to prove that is a natural spring and not an international river.
This situation was informed by the altiplanic chancellor, David Choquehuanca, on Bolivian TV, where he also assured that Chile is still having aggresive and unilateral practices at agreements with Bolivia.
At the interview with Bolivia TV, Choquehuanca talked about the words of the Chilean agent at The Hague, José Miguel Insulza, assuring he opened the bilateral dialogue between both countries. Regarding to this, the Bolivian chancellor stated he hopes, the continuity of this position, after the pronouncement of sentence by the International Court of Justice.
On its behalf, this Monday, ex Chileans chancellors have met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Heraldo Muñoz, to have a conversation about the lineament of the State in front of this new legal attack by Bolivia.