The cruise Queen Mary 2, the biggest transatlantic in the world, will be registered at its arrival to the port of Valparaiso. Because the Chilean justice emitted an inspection order with the purpose of clarify the disapperance of Favio Oñate.
Oñate was working as Chef on board the cruise and was reported as missing on August 15th of 2015. He would have fallen overboard off the coast of Newfoundland , and until now, the causes and circumstances about his vanishing still been unknown.
According to the information provided by the maritime governor of Valparaiso, Sigifredo Ramirez, the cruise will arrive to the harbor this Wednesday at 5.00 am, and after the administrative procedures and mooring maneuvers, the investigation will begin.
The proceeding, will be made by the Police of Investigation (PDI), who is going to examine the security cameras, specifically the closed-circuit television cameras of the ship.