In regard to the complex scene of the copper national industry and the negatives projections for the coming 2016, executives of the private sector warned about a possible decrease of 10% in the production of the red metal. Experts and the Mining commission of the Deputies chamber, have discarded the closing of workings in the short term, however, they made a call in order to protect the medium and small mining of these negative effects.
In reaction to the strong drop of the copper price and the projections which are foreseeing new falls in price during 2016, executives and private mining coincide about that the current digits allow to visualize equally complex circumstances for the first trimester of the next year.
Regarding to the situation, Diego Hernández, executive president of Antofagasta Minerals, the mining under control of the luksic group, warned that with the current prices ,almost 10% of the national production would be in risk, which could bring along with it, the possible closing of works and the collapse at the state and private industry.
According to the projections delivered by Codelco, the biggest copper producer of the world, it cannot be discarded new falls during the next months, and could be even possible the breaking of the barrier of 2 dollars per pound, despite of the estimation given for 2016 who shows a fluctuation between 2.05 and 2.5 dollars per pound.