The president Michelle Bachelet has confirmed her attendance to the United nations conference on climate change, the annual meeting of all countries which want to take action for the climate. It will be held in Le Bourget, France, from 30 November to 11 December.
The Head of State referred about the importance and implications that has for Chile and the World what is going to be solved at the Climate convention in Paris. ” We are already experiencing the climate change in Chile. What we really want and know is that if the planet temperature still going up we are going to have less water as a resulting. We are going to have problems with our fish , shellfish and agriculture”, the president expressed.
“We are still on time of trying to stop this phenomenom, in order to safeguard the next generations, because we want a healthy planet for the people”, Bachelet added.
“The main purpose of this conference is to achieve that each country can be able of assume the compromise of reducing the emissions levels. And despite of that Chile is contaminating less than others, all of us are responsibles, considering that contamination doesn’t have frontiers”, the president stated on her intervention at the deliver of “efficient kits” for the correct use of the energy in Cerrillos, and she also assured of not being afraid before a possible terrorist attack.