The Senator of RN, Alberto Espina, after finding out the last incendiary attack which affected a house in La Araucania, requested to the Government the creation of a group of “Elite Force” capable to get infiltrate inside the groups responsible of these terrorist acts.
Through a statement, the opposition’s parliamentary has qualified as unsustainable the attitude of the Government who is not taking any concrete measure against the crimes. ” The impunity is reaching limits which have never been seen before”, the senator assured.
Regarding to this point, Espina emphasized about the responsability of the Government telling that “The Executive has the obligation of evaluate the formation a group of “Police Commandos”, capable to get infiltrate inside those subversive groups, in order to identify, arrest and punish the guilty.
In addition he said that “the Government has two main tasks: first, reply to our proposal for the social peace in The Araucania which is comprehensive and already counts with the support of three ex- heads of state, and also from mapuches leaders and not.
Regarding to this point, he accused that the current Intendant and the Government are still without making any statement; Then, in the second place, the Government must define and accelerate the human and material resources on the inteligence services to break up these groups”, the RN senator explained.