Out of the list of 149 taxpayers who issued bills to SQM, 7 are currently working for the government.

According to Transparencia Activa (an anti-corruption government agency), these seven workers issued 75 bills for a total amount of $ 154 million pesos.

The people involved are:

Ana Jerman, a teacher who works for the Ministry of Housing, issued bills for $ 56,448,000; Julio Arenas, an accountant who works at the Santiago Metropolitan Park issued bills for $ 49,951,560; Rene Hormazabal, a Ministry of Internal Affairs’ employee, who was also part of this investigation for the amount of $ 17 million pesos.

Ignacio Rojas, from the Ministry of Economy, issued a bill for $ 6 million to SQM; Daniela Cabrera, working at the Onemi, filled a document for $ 5 million; and Rodrigo Alvarez, current director of SERNAGEOMIN (Geology and Mining National Service), who explained that the $ 5 million bill issued to SQM, was part of research developed for the company, meeting the “tax regulations”.