Sophie Gray solía ser una bloguera fitness que mostraba su tonificado cuerpo, alimentación saludable y ejercicios en su cuenta de Instagram. Fue así como ganó más de 430 mil seguidores en tres años, quienes elogiaban la belleza y “perfección” que la joven compartía diariamente.

Pero hace algunas semanas, la joven canadiense se aburrió de seguir este estándar y decidió mostrarse tal cómo es. Es así cómo publicó una foto en la que anunció que dejaría a la “antigua Sophie” en el pasado y ya no mostraría más imágenes de ella en bikini. Tras la publicación, más de 70 mil personas dejaron de seguirla, descendiendo hasta los 367 mil followers.

My little space on the internet has been going crazy lately. I went to start a post introducing myself to my new FRIENDS and started to dig around my “professional image” folder. But, fuck that. I love a ‘I just woke up and haven’t done my hair or makeup’ selfie. THANK YOU to everyone who sent their love for my recent engagement! I seriously could not be happier. I’ll be diving into sharing all of the excitement, once the real life excitement settles in. For all of my new friends, welcome. I am SO thrilled to have you here. A lot of you guys found me through bizarre articles across the web, and some of them were a bit off in the way they described me. First, I want to start by saying what I’m not: – A model. My 16 year old self did everything she could to get that title, including sacrificing her physical and mental health. Soooo, that's not me. – A personal trainer. I have retired this box that I was squeezing myself into. You won’t find any fitness advice on this page. Now that we got that out of the way.. Here’s some facts about me: 1. Watching a movie while cuddling with my FIANCE (oh my goodness) and my puppies is my favourite thing to do. 2. I’m Canadian, but my parents are super Scottish, so I say certain words funny. 3. I love cookies, and green smoothies. I don’t understand why we have to like one or the other. 4. I don’t like labels, but mental health experiences are something I’m very familiar with. I once had a panic attack on an airplane and had to drive 38 hours home. 5. I have already been pinteresting different ways to incorporate my puppies in my wedding ceremony. 6. I’m over this whole “perfect life” thing on Instagram. I pick up my dogs shit. I take shits myself. I eat like shit occasionally as well. I’m not living in some magical world where I float higher with every new follower I get. 7. I curse. There’s a reason, which I’ll get to one day. It’s partly because IT FEELS SO FUCKING GOOD. 8. I love you, seriously. I am GRATEFUL for you. I’m in awe of you, because you’re so amazing. Your presence is DEEPLY needed in this world, so THANK YOU FOR BEING YOU. Okay, the end. I’d love know how you came across my super regular life?

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Today I had breakfast, went to the farmers market, had chocolate covered almonds, lunch, and this doughnut. I also plan to work out, go to the dog park and have dinner. To some this may sound like a super average day. And it is – but to me, this is the type of day "the fitness @wayofgray" was having me miss out on. For her, there was always a photo shoot coming up. What if those chocolate covered almonds ruined the photos? What if the workout wasn't tough enough? BREAD?! I know this may sound silly. I may be called vain, or foolish or some other word to belittle my experience. Not understanding this experience doesn't mean it wasn't real for me. You may also think I'm encouraging others to be unhealthy, and that's not it either. I understand that @wayofgray's old images may have been inspiring. And, to that I say there are tons of those accounts you can follow for those images. But, I know those images were damaging for many. While I believe we all must take accountability for our experiences, it doesn't make contributing to others insecurities any easier. But, most importantly, those images made Sophie Gray feel inadequate. Everything I did revolved around those photos. I was constantly worrying about my body image because my "worth" through this channel depended on it. Again, this can make me seem vain. But, I was the one behind the account for 3 years. I saw what images performed better. I saw what people wanted to see – fitter, thinner, more defined, & perfect. This is why @wayofgray is what it is now. This is why I'm here talking about accepting the shit out of yourself. This is why I want you to fucking love yourself. Because, if you always think you have to be something to be enough, you never will be. But, if you can wrap your head around the truth that you are enough exactly as you are, freedom awaits you. Freedom from others judgement. Freedom from your food fears. Freedom from your insecurities. And freedom from needing to be someone or something other than yourself. You, exactly as you are now, are enough. PS.. quiz through my link in my bio to see how you feel about yourself! Plus free gifts! 😘❤️

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“Tener six-pack y thigh gap (espacio entre los muslos) no te hace más feliz”, escribió tajante la joven que se percató que su delgadez la estaba “amarrando” a un estilo de vida que le entristecía.

“Siempre me preocupaba por mi imagen corporal, porque mi ‘valor’ en Instagram dependía de ello. Fui yo quien estuvo detrás de esa cuenta durante tres años. Vi cuáles son las imágenes que mejor funcionaban y me di cuenta de lo que la gente quería ver: más físico, más delgadez, más definición y perfección”, admitió la instagramer al portal de belleza Marie Claire.

Sophie admitió que sentía que su imagen no sólo la estaba dañando a ella, sino que también a otras personas: “No quiero llevar a nadie al dolor o la ansiedad con el retrato de un cuerpo y una vida aparentemente perfecta. Me gustaría proporcionar entendimiento y compasión a aquellos que están viviendo con ansiedad, ayudarles a superarla. De esa manera sentiré que mi experiencia con mis propios problemas valdrán para algo”.

Si bien, en un principio, perdió miles de seguidores, a la fecha la joven suma más de 410 mil, muy cerca de la cifra que tenía cuando era una “chica fitness”; no obstante, hoy mantiene un discurso que la hace feliz, lejos de la “perfección” que la aprisionaba. “No soy perfecta como muchas personas comentan en mis fotos”, expresó.

A continuación revisa algunas fotos de la joven:

I just attempted to write a post about the things I want you to stop doing. But, you can find plenty of posts out there telling you to change. This isn’t one of those posts. Sure, I’d love if we could all stop hating ourselves and learn to love ourselves. But, I’ll save that for another day. Right now, I just want one thing… I want you to know that you are enough. You are enough, exactly as you are right now. No amount of exercise, nutritious foods, meditation, or journaling will make you enough. You don’t need to do anything to be enough. You simply are. Anddd, I just really want you to know that. I may not know you personally. But, I don’t need to. There’s no need to know your education level, the size of your house, or how committed you are to your exercise routine. None of those things determine your level of enoughness. You’re enough because you fucking are. End of story. Comment ‘I am enough’ if you're a human being.

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I don’t know how to communicate this. I know there is always judgement online, but with this there will be confusion. While @WayofGray is only four years old, today marks the nine year ‘anniversary’ of what this channel is really about. @WayofGray started as a fitness page. If you have scrolled through my feed over the last year, you would have noticed a shift. The shift involves a whole lot of vulnerability, curse words and an obsession around accepting who you are. Within this evolution, I have uncovered who my work through this channel is really for. @WayofGray is for the girl, nine years ago, who touched a blade to her skin her the first time. It’s for the girl who felt as though her pain was out of her control and had to regain it through self harm. It’s for the girl who looked in the mirror and only saw what she thought she lacked. It’s for the girl who didn’t want to exist within her body and her life anymore. It’s for the girl who cried herself to sleep and carved permanent scars into her body. It’s for me. But, @WayofGray is also for you. It’s for you if you have ever, even for a split second, wanted to be someone else. It’s for you if you have ever wanted to be prettier, smarter, or more successful. It’s for you if you have ever just wanted to be less you. It’s for all of us. But, today I wanted to take a second to acknowledge the part of me that experienced that pain. So, thank you, younger @wayofgray. Thank you for having the courage you did. Thank you for choosing to keep on living, even through the pain. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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I don’t smile every second of every day. There are times where I get caught up in my head thinking about how “fucked up” my mind is. There are times where I absolutely can’t shake a bad mood and let it get the best of me. There are times where I feel so exhausted with myself that I just cry. But that’s life. Am I less of a person for having these experiencing? No. Do these experiences define me? No. Do I let these experiences win? No. Life is an absolute fucking gift. At the end of a day, whether it be a good one or bad, I am fucking grateful. And I think we all should be. I want you to take a second right now to list off 1, 2, 3 or 500 things you’re grateful for. It may feel like you don’t have anything to be thankful for, but I promise you do. Moods happen but they don’t need to define you. Remember that. PS.. I have a blog with a whole lot of awesome articles through the link in my bio! 😘❤️

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