The president of Bolivia, Evo Morales, assured this Sunday that a Colombian company is currently selling the Silala river waters to Chilean mining corporations.

According to the Bolivian Agency of Information (ABI), Morales pointed out that “Our water has been sold by Colombians to Chileans”.

Regarding to the situacion, different press media stated that the Colombian group of Public Enterprises of Medellín (EPM), has been the responsible of selling the natural resource coming from Bolivia to 40 mining that operate in the north of Chile. Among them Codelco, the state firm in charge of the administration from the main mines of the region, like Chuquicamata and Rodomiro Tomic.

In March, the altiplanic Head of State, announced the submission of a new suit against Chile, before the International Court of Justice, for the defending of the Silala river’s waters, located at the Potosí region.