The ex-president Sebastián Piñera, has been criticizing the reforms driven by the Government, assuring that as country we are ” delayed and stucked”.

Piñera was one of the invited and host of the presentation of the book “Internet de las Cosas, la Web 3.0 y la revolución móvil” ( The Internet of the things, the 3.0 Web and the movil revolution”), of Sergio Melnick and José Miguel Barraza, where he smiled in reaction to every intervention which was trying to encourage him to return to the presidency.

Even though Piñera’s words were principally focused on the book, he also referred about the current reforms driven by the Government; and questioned the policies of the Executive, assuring that the changes in educational and labor matters do not point to the real needs of the people.

With the call to “center the view to the future” the ex- head of State ended his participation, avoiding talking about any intention to come back to La Moneda or about his formerly minister, Gabriel Ruiz-Tagle, who went to the justice to declare in the frame of the penal investigation due to the collusion of the paper mills.