The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Heraldo Muñoz, referred about the incidents ocurred in the border with Bolivia, where even has been registered confrontations.

The Chancellor pointed out that “the last incident happened yesterday, and in reaction the Chancellery presented notes of protest in order to push the investigation of the crimes. But, despite of the notes, Bolivia did not answer. That’s the reason why we decided to insist in the gravity of this situation, and also we are going to ensure the fulfilling of all the agreements between Carabineros and the National Police of Bolivia”.

“This criminal actions are unacceptable and must to cease”, Muñoz emphasized.

In addition, the state minister, assured that “Chile want to have normal relations with its neighbors but it is not going to tolerate actions which can threaten to the personal integrity or against the property of our national territory, if that occur Chile will act with all strictness”.

Regarding to this, the minister explained that he is trying to avoid of make this situation worse, and because of that, they have submitted to the consulate the necessity of investigate.