13 nationals and international experts have been started with the biological analysis to Pablo Neruda remains in order to determinate if he was murder or not. Since next Monday minister Mario Carroza, will be heading the works’ meetings from this experts panel.

The experts are going to try to determinate the origin of the “Staphylococcus aureus” bacteria, which was detected on his bones and which does not have any relation with his prostate cancer.

The subrogant director of the Human Rights Program, Rodrigo Lledó, explained that the main labor will be to determinate the origin of that bacteria.

Pablo Neruda died on Sunday September 23th of 1973, in the Santa María Clinic. One of his nephews, Rodolfo Reyes, expressed that this is the opportunity to know the true on his death.

The 8 of November of 2013, a first group of experts rejected the presence of toxins and chemicals elements on Neruda’s reminds and confirmed he died due to the cancer.