UDI Parliamentarians Gustavo Hasbún, Marisol Turres and Javier Macaya lamented the decision to approve the third clause of the Abortion Legalization Project, which corresponds to rape and sexual assault and indicated that, as a result, “the door for free abortion in Chile has been opened.”

Parliamentarians expect that the vote could be reversed in the Low Chamber, assuring that the initiative will be negative for women and for unborn children.

Gustavo Hasbún sustained that the project contains “fine print that consents to any doubts.” Those doubts come from the multiple meanings of rape and sexual assault. “Again, the public opinion has been foolish because what they are really doing with this clause and with this generality is opening the door for free abortion,” added Hasbún.

Meanwhile, Marisol Turres indicated that the consequences of rape to the physical and mental health of a woman are enormous, claiming that what a women really needs is company, love and state support.

“Abortion does not erase any of those consequences. On the contrary, it adds to all the trauma an attempt against a child´s life can cause,” she emphasized.